Sunday, 8 November 2009

Tribes by Seth Godin

Very easy read. Interesting idea that "tribes" are out there just waiting for leaders to show them the way. It also suggests that it's not about directing people or motivating them to move in a certain direction towards you. It's about connecting people of similar interests together so as to make your tribe.

"In this fascinating book, Seth Godin argues that now, for the first time, everyone has an opportunity to start a movement - to bring together a tribe of like-minded people and do amazing things. There are tribes everywhere, all of them hungry for connection, meaning and change. And yet, too many people ignore the opportunity to lead, because they are "sheepwalking" their way through their lives and work, too afraid to question whether their compliance is doing them (or their company) any good. This book is for those who don't want to be sheep and instead have a desire to do fresh and exciting work. If you have a passion for what you want to do and the drive to make it happen, there is a tribe of fellow employees, or customers, or investors, or readers, just waiting for you to connect them with each other and lead them where they want to go."

Saturday, 31 October 2009

Kevin Kelly's Eight Generatives Better Than Free

From Kevin's study of the network economy he sees roughly eight categories of intangible value that we buy when we pay for something that could be free. He's named these the...

Eight Generatives Better Than Free
  1. Immediacy
  2. Personalization
  3. Interpretation
  4. Authenticity
  5. Accessibility
  6. Embodiment
  7. Patronage
  8. Findability

Big Boffin

Friday, 30 October 2009

Get to Know "TED"

If you don't know TED then you should. Take a look...

Here's a suggested first looking...


First Storms


Just created this blog to put ideas and links somewhere. A lot of the news stories and links I put here are going to be ones given to me from friends. So I take this opportunity to say thanks.
